Business Model

Artrix AI's business model leverages a hybrid approach spanning both online and offline tracks to create beneficial services for the art industry, categorized into four main areas:

  1. Artwork and Image Sales Brokerage and Rental Fees - Consumer:

As mentioned earlier, consumers, including collectors, can purchase or rent artworks or images from the AI Market. All transactions are conducted through smart contracts, and a portion of the transaction amount is paid as a platform fee.

  1. Meta Exhibition Production Fees (Shooting and Permanent Exhibitions) - Artists:

Artists can utilize meta exhibitions for individual showcases. Artrix AI supports the production of meta exhibitions for more effective utilization of VR spaces. Even if artists lack technical expertise, Artrix AI guides them to easily create spaces by simply conveying the exhibition's intentions and plans to the Artrix AI team.

  1. Meta Exhibition Rental Fees (VR Rental Exhibitions) - Exhibition Planners (Artists, Individuals, Companies, etc.):

Exhibition planners can rent meta exhibitions for showcasing purposes and plan exhibitions. Artrix AI provides a platform environment where users can easily exhibit with minimal exhibition materials. Additionally, Artrix AI assigns unique URLs to generated VR rentals, allowing exhibition planners to attract viewers through promotion and marketing.

  1. Advertising Fees (Revenue from Featured and Main Exposure Ads) - Advertisers:

Artrix AI continuously collects and standardizes the data of ecosystem participants for big data analysis. Advertisers can utilize this data for sharper target marketing. Artrix AI's advertising method involves ads being displayed when advertisers' keywords match the categories of the Artrix AI platform. This helps advertisers secure both new and potential customers simultaneously. Considering that Artrix AI is expected to attract users in specific fields with high user revisit rates, the initial screen of Artrix AI will predominantly feature banner ads and branding station advertisement services utilizing image content

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