AI Book

The ATX token serves as a utility token used for purchasing NFT artworks, staking, and content payments within the platform. Participants in the Artrix AI ecosystem need to acquire ATX tokens from digital asset exchanges to consume and produce content. Apart from purchasing through exchanges, users can also acquire ATX tokens through contributions to the Artrix AI ecosystem and various activities, receiving rewards or generating income. To participate in Artrix AI, holding a certain quantity of ATX tokens is required, and holders have opportunities to participate in ecosystem events and receive rewards. Through this process, the ecosystem and platform can flexibly expand, and with vibrant content consumption, the ATX token forms a cyclical structure.

The ATX utility targets include:

Artists: Individuals who sell their own creations or seek commissions.

Consumers: Individuals or businesses who purchase artworks and images or commission their production.

  1. Payment

Consumers on the Artrix AI platform can pay a certain usage fee and freely visit artists' meta exhibitions. The artists' artworks are stored as NFTs, and if a consumer wishes to purchase a piece after visiting the meta exhibition, they can do so via token payment. During this process, a portion of the consumer's meta exhibition fee and NFT fee goes into a DAO pool. Meta exhibitions can be utilized either for showcasing artists' works or for hosting exhibitions planned by exhibition organizers. The production fees for meta exhibitions and rental fees are included in the meta exhibition fee, which contributes to the DAO pool.

Consumers can also purchase or rent artworks or images using token payments in the AI Market, where a portion of the transaction amount is paid as a platform fee. Additionally, ATX tokens will be used for payment in most services provided by the Artrix AI platform, including consumer's custom artwork orders and auctions. Future payment policies will be determined by the DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization).

  1. Staking

ATX token holders can participate in governance by staking tokens, and stakers may gain access to special event participation and bonus opportunities. Staked ATX tokens are not liquid and cannot be transferred or sold. To unstake staked ATX tokens, a certain unstaking period is required. Staked ATX tokens can be used for governance voting in the DAO. Artrix AI introduces a governance mechanism allowing stakers to vote for or against various proposed changes to the Artrix AI ecosystem. Each staked ATX token holds voting power, and the more tokens a staker has staked, the greater impact they have on the voting results.

  1. DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization)

The primary purpose and utility of the ATX token lie in establishing and executing governance mechanisms. Artrix AI platform development plans to adopt a DAO mechanism for decentralized policy decision-making practices. The governance mechanism relies on the aggregation of "Voting Power" when major voting proposals are conducted. Users gain Voting Power by staking ATX tokens.

The activation of the DAO proceeds gradually through several phases:

Phase 1 (Initial Phase): The first stage involves the release of the dashboard, the initial version of the DAO, in 2023. Users can vote on policy decisions for the Artrix AI ecosystem through the dashboard. Staking functionality is activated via a separate UI to provide users with Voting Power. In the initial phase, only voting on topics such as cost and fee reduction, DAO pool functions, and other minor categories of functions is allowed.

Phase 2 (Upgrade Phase): In the second stage, the DAO's UI/UX is upgraded with staking functionality, enhancing functionality. On-chain voting for more detailed policy decisions is conducted. The required amount of staked tokens for voting may be adjusted. NFT assets are included in the calculation process of Voting Power, which is used for voting proposals.

Phase 3 (Final Phase): ATX token holders can allocate new items for governance framework changes and vote on them. Proposals decided through the DAO include the following categories:

  • Platform development-related proposals

  • DAO pool utilization-related proposals

  • Tokenomics-related proposals

  • Other project-related proposals

Voting Power (VP) represents the right to vote in the Artrix AI DAO, and participants can exercise voting rights equivalent to the VP they own for submitted proposals. The participant's VP is determined by the ATX tokens and NFTs they own at the time a vote is submitted. If more than a majority agree on a submitted proposal, its contents are implemented in the Artrix AI ecosystem. All transactions related to proposal submission and voting in the governance are published on the blockchain.

Last updated