Artrix AI Team Mission

The Artrix AI team is led by veteran IT developers, art consultants, and design experts, each with over 20 years of experience. Together, they aim to tackle persistent issues in the art market, such as copyright infringement, forgery, and provenance problems, by applying blockchain technology. Their solution offers the following key benefits for the growth and development of the art market:

A) For Consumers: They can receive recommendations for desired artworks, commission or create them directly, and purchase various artworks without intermediaries.

B) For Artists: They can exhibit their works in a virtual space without time or location constraints, protect ownership rights, and sell their works.

To achieve these goals, the Artrix AI team proposes an AI-based art gallery platform powered by blockchain technology. The platform aims to satisfy the needs of all participants, including both artists and consumers. By leveraging blockchain technology, Artrix AI provides reliable pricing data and information mechanisms, allowing for accurate and transparent information sharing about artworks. This fosters a balanced and transparent art market.

Ultimately, Artrix AI introduces a new paradigm for the art world, where each participant can focus on their objectives and connect with others through accurate and trustworthy information.

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